Artist Statement

My work for unit one focuses on exploring the possibilities of plants in the aspect of energy and aroma, which is built from a further discussion with my previous project. While using essential oils distilled from plants, I realised the flow and transformation of energy exist between humans, plants, and the surrounding environment. Even though they cannot talk, it is still possible for us to communicate with them by reading the smell and aroma produced.
My project is mainly looking at finding a way to reappear the unseen energy that keeps emanating from plants, in order to capture a more specific result, I choose to work with essential oils rather than withdraw the smell directly from an actual plant. The extract does not just include the aroma but also brings the energy of its origin together. I use watercolour to illustrate those images and record the movement that happened. Every single part of a painting, including the choice of colour, texture and size of the canvases are meaningful. I have also worked on a group of canvases to show one complete energy transformation process.
Apart from observing the characteristics of plants, I am also working on using them as material to interpret people. Just like the plant does, everyone has got their specialities. I set up a project about “Design a perfume for you”, which I ask people around me to tell something about themselves. I will then combine it with my impression of this person and make a perfume for them. And, of course, these perfumes are made of the essential oils I used in this project. I see it as a way to extend energy interaction between humans and plants. Finding the similarities and, at the same time, creating new forms.